Free-to-play MOBA Invokers Tournament arrives on PS4 and PS Vita today

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Free-to-play MOBA Invokers Tournament arrives on PS4 and PS Vita today

Take on your friends in fast-paced 3-on-3 online matches

Hello, everyone! It’s my pleasure to announce that Invokers Tournament, the free-to-play action MOBA, will be available today on PlayStation Store for PS4 and PS Vita (and coming soon to PS3 too!).

For anyone who doesn’t know about the game already, in Invokers Tournament you will adopt the role of an Invoker, a warrior-mage who can transform into different avatars, each with their own special characteristics and abilities. These Invokers reach the City of Anundabar, where they will compete in its Tournaments against other players in quick 3v3 online matches full of action.

The game supports the cross-play feature, so you will be able to participate in online matches with players on any of the three supported platforms. It is also cross-save, meaning the progress you make on one type of platform can be continued on another.


After registering thousands of matches and more than 500,000 Invoker deaths in the beta version that launched in October, and obtaining enough feedback from the player community, we have ventured to add new elements to the game which we hope you will like as much as we do.

The map called “The Sanctuary” will now be available. In this map you will have to dominate various platforms for as long as possible to win the game, while attempting to stop your opponents. Eliminating enemies will also award points, so the battle is sure to be intense!

Moreover, we have added a series of new secondary objectives to “The Jungle of Orth”, the map which was included in the beta.

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In the centre you will now find statues of fallen heroes that you can recruit for your team. They are especially resistant to the towers, making them extremely useful to defeat your adversaries.

Also, if your team defeats enough enemies, Jabbu the jungle-dweller, will be able to summon a powerful creature called the Darkoim, who will truly make your opponents tremble.


Another important change is the introduction of levelling-up for the duration of the online match: Invokers will now improve throughout the match when they eliminate enemies and enemy structures. Staying alive just became more important than ever!

Finally, players will be able to enjoy the offline solo missions, which will help them try out new invocations, choose the best combinations of rings and equipment, obtain weapons and gold and gain levels to be among the best!

So, what are you waiting for to join the tournament? It’s free! Thank you all and may you enjoy the battle!

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