20 PlayStation TV adverts from our 20 year history – how many do you remember?

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From the weird to the wonderful – watch the best of our TV spots

As you may know, this week we’re celebrating the 20th anniversary of PlayStation (stay tuned to our Twitter feed from 1.00pm GMT today for 20 hours of rolling celebrations), and as part of the festivities we’ve been digging through the vaults, clearing out the cupboards and generally having a bit of a stock take.

As part of that, we revisited 20 years of European PlayStation television adverts – and what an entertaining stroll down memory lane it proved to be, offering a fascinating perspective on how the PlayStation brand has evolved over the past two decades.

So, for your viewing pleasure, take a look at a few of our favourites. There are some really memorable clips in there – including David Lynch’s brilliantly weird ‘The Third Place‘ ad, complete with talking duck; the startling ‘Mental Wealth‘; and PS4’s lovely ‘#4ThePlayers Since 1995‘ nostalgia trip.

Let us know which one is your favourite…

PS One

‘Society Against PlayStation (SAPS)’ (1995)

‘Double Life’ (1998)

‘Shapes’ (1997)

‘Mental Wealth’ (1999)


‘Welcome to the Third Place’ (2000)

‘Bambi’ (2001)

‘Overload’ (2001)

‘Wolfman’ (2002)

‘Laughing Mouth’ (2003)

‘Mountain’ (2003)

‘Athletes’ (2004)

‘Traders’ (2004)




‘A Day in a Life’ (2005)


‘This is Living’ (2007)

PS Vita

‘The World is in Play’ (2012)


‘#4ThePlayers Since 1995’ (2013)

‘This is for the Players’ (2013)

‘Welcome to the Future of Play’ (2014)

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