Find out what’s coming to PlayStation Plus in November, and beyond…

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Find out what’s coming to PlayStation Plus in November, and beyond…

Binding of Isaac, Steamworld Dig, Escape Plan, Luftrausers, The Hungry Horde, more

Hi everyone. Before we get into the details on November’s new PS Plus games, we understand many of you are waiting for DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition to be added to the Instant Game Collection, and we apologise that the game is not yet ready to launch. We want you to know that we’re committed to providing DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition to members when it’s ready, and the team at Evolution Studios is working hard to make it a reality.

In the meantime, we want to make sure you still have some amazing free games to play throughout the holidays. As you may already have read, in the month of November we’ll have The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and Steamworld Dig on PS4, Frozen Synapse Prime and Luftrausers on PS3, and The Hungry Horde and Escape Plan on PS Vita.

Beyond that, in December we’re adding Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition and Secret Ponchos to PS4’s IGC line up. Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition is the first AAA Blu-ray title to join the Instant Game Collection for PS4, and we think you’re going to love it. Then in January, we’re adding inFAMOUS First Light and The Swapper for PS4. We will still add DRIVECLUB to the PS Plus line up when it becomes available.

So, to recap:


  • Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
  • Secret Ponchos
  • More TBC


  • inFAMOUS: First Light
  • The Swapper
  • More TBC

On that note, let’s take a closer look at the games coming to PS Plus this Wednesday, 5th November…

New on PlayStation 4

First up this month on PS4 (and Cross Buy on PS Vita), make sure you pick up the keenly anticipated Binding of Isaac Rebirth! This fiendishly addictive action RPG from the twisted imagination of Edmund McMillen boasts over hundreds of hours of gameplay, 450 items, weapons and power-ups to find, as well as 50 bosses to face off against!

Next up, more Cross Buy fun with the beautifully crafted Steamworld Dig, a platform adventure which puts a unique mining-centric spin on the tried and tested Metroidvania genre. Take on the role of Rusty, a mining steambot, as he arrives at an old mining town in great need. Dig your way through the old earth, gaining riches while uncovering the ancient threat that lurks below…

New on PS Vita

Leading the way on PS Vita this month is quirky action puzzler The Hungry Horde. Lead a horde of zombies on a manic mission to swell the ranks of the undead and destroy humanity. Chase, corner and infect humans to grow your horde and stop it being nuked by the military whilst tackling a series of entertaining zombie-themed mini-games.

Also incoming this month, hatch an Escape Plan on both PS Vita and PS4 as you help captive duo Lil and Laarg to escape fiendish mastermind Bakuki’s gloop factory. Switch between the two characters as you guide them through a darkly comic adventure, using teamwork and their unique abilities to find different escape routes.

New on PlayStation 3

First up on PS3, acclaimed strategy title Frozen Synapse Prime in which you lead a small rebel faction set on overthrowing a powerful corporation. Control an elite strike team of futuristic soldiers; from shotgunners and snipers, to grenadiers and machine-gunners in the ultimate turn-based strategy game.

Finally, pick up Vlambeer’s stylish arcade shooter Luftrausers! Select from over 125 combinations of weapons, bodies, and propulsion systems and take to the skies to dogfight enemy fighter planes, battleships, submarines, and rival aces for glory, honour, and high scores.

In summary

Leaving PS Plus:
5th November: Dust: An Elysian Tale
5th November: Spelunky (PS4/PS3/PS Vita Cross Buy)
5th November: Batman Arkham Asylum
5th November: Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (PS3 only)
5th November: Pix the Cat (PS Vita/PS4 Cross Buy)
5th November: Rainbow Moon (PS Vita/PS3 Cross Buy)

Entering PS Plus:
5th November: Binding of Isaac Rebirth (PS4/PS Vita)
5th November: Steamworld Dig (PS4/PS Vita Cross Buy)
5th November: Frozen Synapse Prime
5th November: Luftrausers (PS3/PS Vita Cross Buy)
5th November: The Hungry Horde
5th November: Escape Plan (PS4/PS Vita Cross Buy)

Don’t miss out! Make sure to add any of the games scheduled to leave the service to your download list now to ensure you get to play them!

Not a PlayStation Plus member? Then join today from just £5.49 / €6.99 p/m. To find out more visit our PlayStation Plus site. Remember, if you’ve not got access to your PS4, PS3 or PS Vita then you can also buy through our online store.

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