Invizimals: The Resistance out now on PS Vita

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Jump into the sixth title in the Invizimals saga with 50 new creatures and revamped SmartAR tech

Vive la Resistance! Would you believe me if I told you we’re all surrounded by Invisible creatures, that have lived among us since antiquity? What if I told you these creatures hold immense power, as they are made of Pure Energy? Do you know these creatures, the Invizimals, are now under attack by a greedy evil corporation? Would you join me, and the rest of the Invizimal defenders, in The Resistance?

Jump into the world of Invizimals: The Resistance, the sixth title in the Invizimals saga. A saga that began in 2009 on Playstation Portable, and that has spawned three titles on PSP, one on PS3, and two on PS Vita.


For all of us at Novarama, developers of Invizimals, each title comes with new challenges and goals. For The Resistance, being the sixth game in the saga, we just wanted to improve it in every way. Better technology. Better graphics. Better storytelling. In sum, a better game, in fact the best Invizimals game yet.

Our first goal was to create the first title in the world featuring AR with no markers. For the first time ever, Invizimals can appear anywhere: beaches, ceilings, walls, you name it. This is possible because of SmartAR technology, which we have worked on with the teams in Sony Tokyo for over two years. So say bye bye to AR Playcards, say hi! to unlimited adventure.


Our second goal was to expand the gameplay in all directions, to create the richest game in the series. Survivor battle mode? Sure! Free-for-all four player arenas? Bring it on! All game systems have been rebuilt, like a brand new “walk your invizimal” mechanic, which allows your virtual pets to walk around the real world. Or the biggest upgrade to our vector system for battle power-ups: you can now build your own power-ups, find super-secret power-up recipes, and surprise your enemies. We used all our skill and experience from the last six games to break new ground in all possible directions.

And last, but not least, the stars of the show, the Invizimals. The game contains up to 156 creatures, our biggest game ever, with 50 of those being brand new. Discover the legend of the Precursor. Smash the new enemies. Fight along Swampamander and Wingcloud, the Invizimal champions.


Invizimals has always been an open door to adventure. A call for kids and grown-ups alike to enter a world of fantasy and discovery. With The Resistance, we think we’ve opened our biggest door so far. A door so big, it will suck you in and take you on an amazing journey. Are you ready to join The Resistance?

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