Pick up the latest entry in the creature hunting series from 29th October
Hello to all Invizimal Alliance Members! Today, we’re happy to announce that Invizimals: The Resistance will be available in stores and on PlayStation Store from 29th October!
Keni, Jazmin, Doc Dawson, Hiro and a bunch of new recruits need your immediate assistance! Maximillian Black is back and has taken over the Alliance Base. We need your help to take it back. Embark on an epic journey to capture the Invizimals champions from around the globe using your trusty PlayStation Vita.
With all new Augmented Reality technology means that you can now find Invizimals without using ARPlayCards. Hunt Invizimals everywhere!
Invizimals: The Resistance is the biggest Invizimals game ever, including the following features:
- Collect more than 150 unique creatures, including 24 new Invizimals and 21 Xtractors.
- Discover the 20 capture mechanics that will have you using your PS Vita in ways you’ve never dreamed of.
- Enjoy new game modes, including Survivor Battles, Free for All, and Exploration
- Untangle the mystery of the Precursor, and defeat the Xtractor forces.
With a brand new story featuring all your favourite heroes, Invizimals: The Resistance will keep you hunting, capturing and battling for some time to come.
Watch out for more exciting news on Invizimals: The Resistance soon.
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