New Alien: Isolation video shows Survivor Mode in action

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New Alien: Isolation video shows Survivor Mode in action

New Alien: Isolation video shows Survivor Mode in action

Alien: Isolation’s Survivor Mode was first seen at E3, where attendees got hands-on with the time-based challenge of escaping a level – and the Alien – in the fastest time possible. Others later also experienced this terror, isolated in the dark chamber of a 10ft tall, giant Alien egg replica gaming station at San Diego Comic Con and PAX.

For many, the challenge proved too frightening. Some met the challenge to survive and complete the level. All experienced the thrill of facing the universe’s deadliest killer – one-to-one.

Survivor Mode is you versus the creature, against the clock and in a desperate bid for survival. With few resources on each map, players will have to take full advantage of what they can find to complete objectives and escape.

From 7th October, those brave enough to face the challenge can experience the first map of Survivor Mode – ‘Basement’ – with your copy of Alien: Isolation.


On 28th October, the first of five survivor Mode add-on packs will be available to purchase, featuring three new maps. Each map has its own set objective, challenges, a variety of enemy types to deal with and a new playable character to discover – plenty to sink your gaming teeth in to.

There will be more add-on packs to explore across the following month and if you’re keen to sharpen those survival instincts, then don’t miss out on our Season Pass. Available to pre-order now, the pass will give you access to all five Survivor Mode add-on packs, with up to a 25% discount!

Stay tuned to for all future updates and news about Survivor Mode and the new add-on packs as they release.

In the meantime, join the conversation on our Facebook and Twitter channels and tell us – #HowWillYouSurvive?


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