Themes coming to PS4 & PS Vita, “Live from PlayStation” app coming to PS Vita

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Brand new features coming to your systems later this year

Early this morning, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia held a press conference in Tokyo where some new features were announced for both PS4 and PS Vita. In case you missed it, I’m happy to confirm one of the most popular features from PlayStation 3 – themes – is coming to PS4 and PS Vita this autumn with system software updates coming to both platforms.

With these two updates (v2.00 for PS4 and v.3.30 for PS Vita), you’ll be able to reflect your personality across all your PlayStation systems – PS4, PS3 and PS Vita! Themes are among the most requested features from PS4 owners, so we’re eager to offer them and will share more about the feature in the coming weeks.

Here’s a sneak peak of what the PS4 home screen will look like with a customised theme.

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We’ve also got an exciting update for PS Vita owners. Since the launch of PS4 last November, watching livestreams of what the PlayStation community is playing through the “Live from PlayStation” app has been a big part of the PS4 experience – in fact, 150 million livestreams have been watched as of the end of May.

This autumn you’ll be able to watch PS4 live streams from Twitch and USTREAM on your PS Vita through the “Live from PlayStation” app. I’m particularly excited for the “Live from PlayStation” app’s arrival on PS Vita so I can catch the most epic PS4 live streams when I’m away from my PS4!

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