Your first look at Wild Sheep's hugely ambitious adventure
Hello PlayStation Blog! My name is Michel Ancel, you might know me best as the creator of the Rayman series, and Beyond Good & Evil for Ubisoft. Recently, I co-founded a new independent game studio in Montpellier, France along with a bunch of very talented guys and gals. We call ourselves Wild Sheep and together we are working on an exciting new game called… WiLD.
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When we started working on WiLD we wanted to make sure that we would have fun playing our own game even after months and months of development! This is the reason why the world of WiLD is the size of Europe, with dynamic weather and seasons, and filled with interactive opportunities that feel endless.
Every time you play you’ll discover new things, even in the same place as before. But… the best feature came from our prototyping phase when we started playing as wolves, horses, sheep and… even trout! So we decided that in WiLD every creature should be playable, even the giant and dangerous ones!
All these features combined, open so many new gameplay situations, especially when playing online. How you approach the game is up to you, what you do and even what you are – it’s all up to you.
On the tech side, because WiLD is created exclusively for PlayStation 4, the game will use the full power of the console and all its crazy sharing capabilities.
It’s early days still, so that’s all we can tell you at the moment but make sure you check out our video and see what you think for yourselves. We hope you like it, and we can’t wait to tell you more soon.
L’équipe est impatiente de vous faire decouvrir encore d’autres secrets de Wild !
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