Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty E3 trailer showcases music and story

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Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty E3 trailer showcases music and story

Not long to go now until Abe returns to your screens…

Hi everyone! E3 is here and we have a special something to share with you. Since we released our last trailer at GDC back in March, we’ve been working hard to finish up development of Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty, and we’re inching ever closer all the time. Our new trailer conveys more of the story within the game – not just what you’ll see, but also through the music.

The song used is called “Born to Love You” and it’s by Elodie Adams, a young musician from Australia who just happens to be a massive Oddworld fan. We thought her song was a perfect fit for us because it’s in keeping with the theme of New ‘n’ Tasty and the story of Abe. We’re proud to feature “Born to Love You” in our game’s end credits and this, our E3 trailer.

E3 next week is a big one for us. The game is fully playable at the show and we have press lined up end to end, so expect a lot of new info, screens and gameplay footage to come out of the event. Cheers!

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