Murdered: Soul Suspect hits PS3/PS4 this week – see the launch trailer

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Murdered: Soul Suspect hits PS3/PS4 this week – see the launch trailer

Take a closer look at Square Enix’s stylish mystery adventure

The tinkle of glass shattering. The dull thud of a body hitting the ground. The piercing cracks of seven pistol shots. These are the sounds that accompany Ronan O’Connor’s final moments in the world of the living. And then he dies.

But with Ronan’s death, the story of Murdered: Soul Suspect has only just begun and with the game finally being released on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 in Europe this Friday, 6th June, you too can uncover the secret of the mysterious Bell Killer! But before you begin, you must first check out our launch trailer.

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Murdered: Soul Suspect is an entirely new gaming experience brought to you by Square Enix and Airtight Games. With an unforgettably creepy storyline and unique gameplay that lets you use your ghostly powers to walk through walls, possess and influence human beings (and cats!), teleport to certain locations and generally have fun poltergeisting about, you’ll be sure to be drawn in instantly.

And that’s just a little taste of the powers Ronan will begin to manifest, all the while dodging soul-sucking demons, completing side quests and, of course, hunting down the story’s merciless antagonist, the Bell Killer, before his trail goes cold.

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It’s been almost a year to the day since we first officially announced Murdered: Soul Suspect and we are all very excited to finally be able to present you with the finished product. These last few weeks in particular have been quite gripping as many of you attempted to track down the Bell Killer in your own way by following the #markofsalem.

This Friday, however, the time will come for you to step into the ghostly shoes of Ronan and start discovering clues, investigating crime scenes, and ultimately, the murders left in the ruthless Bell Killer’s wake. If you go ahead and pre-order the game now, you’ll still be able to guarantee your Limited Edition, get £5 to £10 off and even gain access to the invaluable Digital Strategy Map! After that, all that remains for you to do this Friday is to dim the lights, draw the curtains, kick back and enjoy Murdered: Soul Suspect (while occasionally glancing over your shoulder). Happy hunting, Detective.

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