Strategy sequel Anomaly 2 sets its sights on PS4

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Strategy sequel Anomaly 2 sets its sights on PS4

Your first look at the follow-up to the award winning ‘tower offense’ epic

Hey guys, it’s Pawel Miechowski from 11 bit studios here. Back in 2012 I had the pleasure of sharing with you information regarding Anomaly Warzone Earth. Today, I want to talk about Anomaly 2, the sequel to the world’s first tower offense game, which will be available on PlayStation 4 really soon.
If you have played our first installment of Anomaly series you know what’s up. If you’re new then please let me explain what the Anomaly series is about and what its original features are. Anomaly Warzone Earth was the very first tactical reversed tower defense game in the world – you controlled not the towers (aliens) but the attackers (human forces) and defended Earth.
In Anomaly 2 the story continues right after the invasion of Earth in 2018, our planet is controlled by the aliens and humankind is almost extinct. Those who managed to survive are grouped in convoys. Your convoy is called Yukon.
In AWE’s sequel you’re again playing as Commander, controlling him on the battlefield and supporting the units in your convoy through four special abilities which you deploy during the missions. The very first ability available to you is Repair which is basically an Area of Effect healing. Next we have Decoy – an ability that baits aliens’ towers to attack the decoy and not the troops. The third skill in your arsenal is EMP, which briefly stuns towers which will not activate again if not attacked. Last but not least is AIM, a skill that doubles the damage of your troops; it’s used to destroy the high priority targets.
On top of that, in Anomaly 2 Commander can morph his units. There are five different unit classes (and every class can be upgraded), each having two morphing modes which opens a lot of tactical opportunities to players. For example, Rocket Hammer, which has the highest damage of all units in the convoy and has a 360 degrees view, can be morphed into Sledge Hammer which has a higher range, but cannot attack units on its sides as it has a 30 degree forward firing arc.
You may remember the tactical view we created in AWE. It allows players to set the path for their units. We have decided to keep it in Anomaly 2 as well. Players are also able to mix units’ order on their path to make more strategic decisions and have a better chance of defeating the invaders.
We have also added a multiplayer mode where opponents choose sides, either aliens or humans, and square off to see who’s the best kid on the block. Multiplayer is a mix of regular tower defense gameplay (where one of the players controls towers and upgrades them) and the tower offense familiar from the single player missions. MP mode offers a tech-tree to develop unique strategies. And keep in mind that MP mode’s pace is faster than in single-player!
All the improvements we’ve made in Anomaly 2 make it the ultimate tower offense game. Players have access to prelude and 14 missions which in total give couple long hours of solid fun. Plus the graphic design is just beautiful; perfectly rendered world and improved visual engine. Music once again has been created by Piotr Musial, who made the soundtrack for Anomaly Warzone Earth too. If you’re a game music fan, we have shared all of our OSTs with the public. They can be downloaded HERE.
We will share more information with you soon. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. Also, if you have any questions please post them in the comment section – I’m here to answer them.

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