Basement Crawl explodes onto PS4 today

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Fast-paced multiplayer title available now on PlayStation Store

Right everyone, this is it. Basement Crawl is landing on PS4 today. Which means that when you are reading this you can grab the game here . We have been pretty secretive about what we have been planning over the past few weeks, but just stay right there because it’s time to let you guys know what’s up.
Firstly though, a quick recap for those of you who don’t know what the hell this game that looks kinda like bomberman on an acid trip is…
Basement Crawl is a multiplayer PS4 exclusive. We are here to give you every opportunity possible, to drop, kick or throw bombs at your friends, particularly if they choose that one creepy clown character. As it turns out, watching Stephen King’s ‘IT’ any movie with a clown in it as a kid was not the best idea. You can play four-way local multiplayer, with eight players online, or you can mix them up so that you and a few friends play locally against a group of strangers online.
Basically the game is fast-paced, grid-based destruction. With inspiration taken from the likes of Bomberman and Spy vs. Spy, as well as more than a few horror movies, this is a fun experience that isn’t to be missed.
As well as taking on board feedback from journalists about the game and building on it, we’ve changed a lot on how bombs react when kicked or when they crash into another player in order to make it a more fluid and balanced system. On top of this we worked on the aesthetics of the game. The feedback we received was positive, especially for the minimalistic on-screen display, but we did have a complaint from one journalist (I’m looking at you Chris Bratt) about the leaderboards covering the entire screen when viewed, so we addressed this by adding a small indicator on screen to eliminate the need for a large scoreboard.
Okay, so I know that you guys will definitely have more than a few questions about the game, details I might have missed or what the best Bomb or power-up is, and other things about what you will get for your hard earned €9.99/£8.49. So feel free to ask away, I will be lurking around the comments and will answer ANY questions you guys have.

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