Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter HD arrives on PS3 today

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Greetings friends! We’re incredibly happy to announce that Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter HD is now officially out in Europe.
Following the recent US release, we’ve done lots of tweaking and polishing to make our game even better. As you may have seen in the video, Carnivores is a realistic hunting simulator where you will be hunting some of the most well-known dinosaurs.

You’ll get a chance to track down Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Ceratosaurus and a T-Rex! There are also flying Pteranodons, small and peaceful Gallimimuses and cute tiny Pelecanimimuses roaming around. If you like playing games with your children around, then you may set weapons to non-lethal tranquiliser mode to capture dinosaurs without killing them. Or you may just wander around observing the wildlife and enjoy the sights in Observer Mode designed specifically for exploration.
Hunting locations are different islands about four square kilometers in size, each featuring a unique environment. There are deserts, jungles and deep forests. Each level comes in three variations: daytime, evening, and misty.



It is a complete remake of a popular PC title – Carnivores. We completely reworked everything from scratch and made the game more suitable for modern gamers. Don’t you worry hardcore fans! It still remains a very realistic and challenging hunting simulator, where the hunter can quickly become the prey!
If you want to know more about our game, feel free to check some of our ‘Tips and Tricks’ videos. They will greatly improve your hunting skills before you even start playing!
Getting dinosaurs for the Trophy Room
Top 11 little-known tips
Advanced gameplay tips. Part 1
Advanced gameplay tips. Part 2
How to use decoy
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