Rainbow Moon is coming to PS Vita this December

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After we released Rainbow Moon on PS3 last year one of the most common questions we received was “are you going to make a PS Vita version?” Obviously we weren’t the only ones that believed Rainbow Moon would make a great companion for hand-held consoles and with demand being so high we set about working on a PS Vita port almost immediately.

For those of you not already familiar with Rainbow Moon we’ve put together a new trailer. You can also find a few of our older blog posts explaining the game in more detail here.

Something that was really important to us from the beginning was using our own engine to ensure a solid 60 FPS and robust game with little to no loading times. After months of hard work we are happy to announce that Rainbow Moon Vita is finishing its final submission phase and will be available in the PlayStation Store from 4th December!



As a result of all the amazing feedback from Rainbow Moon fans around the world, over 30 new features, improvements, and bug fixes found their way into Rainbow Moon for Vita. The biggest new addition is Cross-Save, meaning that any progress you make on your Vita can be continued on PS3 and vice-versa. This also applies to existing Rainbow Moon saves, so you don’t have to worry about losing any progress!

Additionally, XP counters in the victory screen can now be skipped, items can be used directly from the quest vendor and left-stick control has been improved reducing the chance of walking in unintended directions while in battle mode.


If you don’t own a PS Vita yet, don’t worry. All these improvements will be included in patch for the PS3 version of Rainbow Moon next month.

I hope you are as excited about the Rainbow Moon Vita launch as we are! We’re really grateful to everyone for telling us how much they wanted a Vita version. Make sure to leave your thoughts and questions in the comments, and if you want to get in touch with us and stay up to date with Rainbow Moon news check out our website or Facebook Page.

Nearer release we’ll also have information on a special deal for existing Rainbow Moon players!


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