Dark Souls II and Destiny of Spirits betas coming to PlayStation Plus

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Dark Souls II and Destiny of Spirits betas coming to PlayStation Plus

Calling all PlayStation Plus subscribers. In this week’s Store update we have two exciting betas for you to get your hands on if you are a PlayStation Plus subscriber.

Dark Souls II (on PS3)

Developed by From Software, Dark Souls II is the highly anticipated sequel to the punishing 2011 breakout hit Dark Souls. The unique old-school action RPG experience captivated imaginations of gamers worldwide with incredible challenge and intense emotional reward.

Join the dark journey with this beta and experience overwhelming enemy encounters, diabolical hazards, and the unrelenting challenge that only From can deliver.

The goal of the Dark Souls II Beta is to stress test the online servers. To help achieve this, Namco Bandai are coordinating a worldwide server test which will be available for a very limited time. The server test times are:

Date: Sunday 27th October
Time: 7:00am to 10:00am GMT

The Dark Souls II beta is now available for download ahead of the server test and can be found in the ‘Exclusives’ section on the PlayStation Plus store. We recommend that you download the beta ahead of the server opening to maximise your gameplay time, as the Dark Souls II beta is not playable outside of the above server test times.

Destiny of Spirits (on PS Vita)

We are pleased to announce that the Destiny of Spirits beta is now available for PlayStation Vita users who are Plus subscribers. You can download the beta directly from PlayStation Store.

In Destiny of Spirits on PS Vita, building powerful spirits and working cooperatively with other users will be the key to progress successfully in the game.

The beta servers and gameplay will be available from 6.00am GMT on Thursday 24th October until 6.00am on Friday 1st November.

The development team is keen to hear your feedback about your experience. This can be provided by completing the Beta Feedback Survey which can be found here.

To stay tuned with the latest updates and server availability notices from the Destiny of Spirits development team please follow @dos_official_en on Twitter.

Please note that both betas are available in English only and will be removed from the store once the servers close. Thank you for your support!

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