So today is 26th September, 2013. That’s a special date for us. It’s the day the Cordyceps outbreak hit critical mass in the world of The Last of Us.
We at Naughty Dog are celebrating by sharing some crazy tweets in regards to the outbreak. Join us in describing your experience (real or not) of how you’d survive the pandemic. Tweet with the hashtag #OutbreakDay. We’ll be retweeting the most creative tweets throughout the day.
To further celebrate the occasion we have something fun we’ve been dying to share with you. It is our honour to show you the “alternate” ending for the game – with a slight twist. We originally only showed this video at this year’s PAX Prime, but now it’s time for everyone to see it. We think you’ll enjoy it.
Come back tomorrow when we’ll reveal more info about our DLC plans (including some additions to the Season Pass). In the meantime do your best to stay alive over the next 24 hours. Endure and survive!
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