Music Unlimited gets amplified on PS4

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Music Unlimited

During E3, we mentioned that the Music Unlimited service would be available for PlayStation 4 at launch and today at gamescom we revealed some great features we think you’ll love.

The new Music Unlimited streaming service features a completely redesigned user interface that was specifically enhanced for PS4. It is faster, simple to use, and enables gamers to easily discover new artists and songs from the Music Unlimited global library of over 22 million songs.

Additionally, we added new features that many PlayStation gamers have requested. You will now be able to listen to music in the background while playing games and access Music Unlimited controls on the fly without completely exiting game play or other apps.

Simply press and hold the ‘PS’ button on the DUALSHOCK 4 to access a pop up menu that will enable you to quickly pause or skip tracks, and adjust the volume.

Look for the Music Unlimited app when the PS4 launches on 29 November 2013. Meanwhile, if you aren’t a subscriber, don’t miss the special Premium annual subscription offer available today for PlayStation Plus members and others. Music Unlimited Premium subscribers get full access to every feature of the cloud-based music service and entire catalog of more than 22 million songs that can be streamed across multiple devices, including PS4 (at launch!), PS3, PS Vita, PC, Mac, iPhone, iPod, Android smartphones and tablets, and more.

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