New Puppeteer trailers, pre-order extras and more Hero Heads!

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Hi everyone. So it’s that wonderful time of year where the gaming world goes crazy in LA.
Yes, it’s E3 2013 and we will be showing off Puppeteer at the PlayStation booth. I’m really excited that people will finally be able to experience the strange and fantastical world of Puppeteer for themselves!

At GDC this year we revealed two of the four “Hero Heads” that Kutaro uses on his thrilling adventure. These were the Shield Power of the Moon Knight and the Bomb Power of the Moon Ninja.

shield powerbomb power

Today we are revealing the final two powers, the Hook Power of the Moon Pirate and the Brute Power of the Moon Wrestler!

hook powerbrute power

Remember, these powers are vital in Kutaro’s terrifying adventure in order for him to survive. Without them, he will never be able to defeat the Moon Bear King and find his way home.

Ppptr_Pre-Order Image

I would also like to take this opportunity to let you all know about our wonderful Theatrical Pack. Pre-order Puppeteer now at participating retailers and you will be able to get your hands on some special DLC goodies including:

  • The Original Soundtrack of Puppeteer: This is an awesome soundtrack by world famous composer Patrick Doyle.
  • Exclusive PSN Avatars: Kutaro, the Moon Witch, and the villain we all love to hate, the Moon Bear King.
  • Dynamic Custom Theme: Featuring hand-drawn concept art from all seven acts of Puppeteer.

Check out our new E3 Trailer stuffed full of new and exciting gameplay as well as all four Hero Head trailers below:
E3 trailer

Knight’s Head trailer

Ninja’s Head trailer

Pirate’s Head trailer

Wrestler’s Head trailer

If you are lucky enough to be able to make it to E3 this year, we would love for you to swing by the PlayStation booth and get some hands on time with Puppeteer. Kutaro and his perils will be waiting for you.

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