Hello everybody! This is Jakub from Grip Games! We’re the folks behind 5-in-1 Arcade Hits, The Impossible Game and Foosball 2012. And after being locked up in our top secret underground lab (A.K.A. the garage) for some time, we’re back with our newest creation – Atomic Ninjas for PS3 and PS Vita.
So, what’s this all about, you ask? Atomic Ninjas is 2.5D multiplayer platformer with ninjas. You will control super-powered ninjas in frantic online matches against other players, with tonnes of charm and humor. If the Fat Princess and Crash Commando had a child, it would be Atomic Ninjas (though that idea is a bit disturbing, no?).
While the game relies on traditional jumping and shooting mechanics, you will be unable to directly kill other players. Instead, you must outsmart and outflank your opponents and kill them using various environmental hazards and obstacles, such as lava pits, laser beams, traps, moving platforms, falling crates, etc. Don’t forget that these are Atomic Ninjas… something as banal as a katana between the ribs won’t do the trick anymore!
Each one of the game’s seven arenas is like a playfield with an infinite number of possibilities to eliminate the competition. There are pick-ups, crates, lifts, air vents, levers, ninja-launchers, hiding spots and traps for you to experiment with. The most malicious players will be the most successful ones. Atomic Ninjas is not just about twitch reflexes, but also about malevolent creativity, playfulness and exploring the game’s possibilities.
We have a plenty of game modes in the bag for you, like Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Treasure Hunt and many others, including team-based competitions. Each ninja will be able to use super-powers, such as invisibility, flying, or telekinesis, to add another tactical layer to the matches.
But there is also a lot of humor that is typical of our games. The game’s graphics are bright and colourful, boasting a “blocky” visual style and comical presentation, mixed with slapstick brutality.
Split-screen multiplayer matches and single-player offline matches against bots are also supported. Players on PlayStation 3 will be able to play against players on PlayStation Vita and save files will be automatically synchronised between the two systems if you are using the same PSN account.
Atomic Ninjas will be released exclusively for PlayStation Network this summer.
I hope you are going to enjoy Atomic Ninjas just as much as we do! Check our website, Facebook or Twitter for a stream of new content and information about Atomic Ninjas. We will also keep posting new updates here on the PlayStation Blog. See you soon!
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