Celebrating 15 years of Gran Turismo

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Celebrating 15 years of Gran Turismo

GT Academy

Hello everyone.

A little over 15 years ago a small Japanese studio headed up by Kazunori Yamauchi embarked upon on a journey that was set to enrich the lives of many millions of gamers. The journey that the team undertook set new benchmarks in graphics, game physics and sheer entertainment.

That studio eventually became known as Polyphony Digital and the brand they created was of course Gran Turismo.

15 years on from that seminal moment, and after who knows how many billions of miles driven collectively by Gran Turismo gamers all over the world, I am very pleased to announce a special Gran Turismo 15th Anniversary Event due to take place on 15th May at Silverstone Race Circuit, England.

The event will be a celebration of all that Gran Turismo has come to represent to a community of millions all over the world and will involve many of the car manufacturers who have been part of that incredible 15 year journey.

At the event Kazunori Yamauchi will also be making some exciting announcements about the future of the brand. Activities will be covered live right here on PlayStation Blog and also via gran-turismo.com and Twitter (#15YearsOfGT).

To whet the appetite for what is to come for the real driving simulator, check out the trailer below.

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