Tearaway release date and reversible PS Vita box art revealed

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We’re proud to announce that you’ll be able to get your hands on, and indeed in, our new game Tearaway at the end of this year! Tearaway will be available on European shelves and in the PSN Store on 23rd October (23rd October in Australia & New Zealand, 25th October in UK & Ireland).

Need we remind you of the adventures that await? Journey through a vibrant, living papery world, with a plucky messenger who has a unique message to deliver — to YOU!

The papery world of Tearaway unfolds in your hands, allowing you to reach up into the game with your god-like powers and help your new messenger friend, iota or atoi, complete this very special delivery.

You’ll uncover a magical dimension inspired by folklore, and built realistically from paper that unfolds and comes alive before your very eyes. As you explore this world you’ll meet the papercraft creatures that live within it, help out strange new friends and encounter dangerous challenges.

The world of Tearaway blends with our own through the unique features of the PS Vita, allowing you to reach up into the world using the rear-touch panel and see your fingertips appear inside the game, solve puzzles using the power of touch, or literally breathe new life into this papercraft land, in an adventure unlike anything you’ve played before.

Normally a game has just one piece of box art, but we have two main characters for you to choose from – iota and atoi. Who should go on the front of the box then? It was an impossible choice for us to make, so instead of making it, we made a reversible double-sided inlay, so you can decide for yourself!

So finally, and without further ado, allow us to present the box art that you’ll be seeing on shelves this October.


We’ll be back soon with more information on pre-orders, and the special items that will accompany them, so stick around, and see you later!

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