inFAMOUS: Second Son announced for PlayStation 4

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inFamous: Second Son

So what’s new? I mean, what have you been up to? Cool. Us? Not much. Just a new character, new city, new powers, and all designed especially for the new PlayStation 4.

I hope you’re excited – because we really are! Actually, for us it’s probably one part excitement and one part pure terror, but that’s just the way of things I guess… But here we are at last to break the months of silence: All of us at Sucker Punch are very pleased to introduce you to Delsin Rowe, and our new title Second Son! Let’s cut to the chase!

Want details? Sure thing…

Delsin Rowe is the star of Second Son, and you probably know someone like him… A 24 year-old who is absolutely convinced he’s destined for greatness; though so far that greatness has managed to elude him. He grew up just outside Seattle, where his great – if accidental – calling comes crashing into his life.

After rescuing occupants from a fiery bus wreck, he discovers that he suddenly has the ability to direct, manipulate and even transform into… smoke. Could he have absorbed this power from one of the passengers he pulled from the wreckage?

Setting the scene… It’s been seven years since the Cole McGrath episodes and the world has clearly changed. Anyone showing signs of being a so-called “bio-terrorist” is immediately handed over to the Department of Unified Protection (DUP) – a government agency created to ensure there is never a repeat of the catastrophic events of Empire City and New Marais. So Delsin, who has never been particularly respectful of authority, finds himself caught in the DUP dragnet… and decides he’s not going to go quietly.

Along the way, Delsin is going to ask questions that are not just relevant to the world of Second Son – but to the world we all live in today – a world where we are often instructed to surrender our freedoms to help improve our security. Ben Franklin once wrote “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Is he right?

As you play Second Son, you’ll explore lots of Seattle’s familiar landmarks. As with all games in this series, the path the gameplay and story take will depend on the decisions you make along the way. And, of course, we are creating all these characters and locations at a remarkable level of detail – made possible by PlayStation 4.

In fact this trailer was produced in-house using our game engine – can you tell we’re having fun with the new GPU, tools, and our new VFX system?

We’ll be back in the coming weeks with more details, but until then you’ll find us at @suckerpunchprod, #SecondSon, and

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