Get the new YouTube app for PlayStation 3 today (update)

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UPDATE: As of this afternoon, YouTube has rolled the PS3 app out in the following additional regions: Turkey, Finland, Norway and Denmark.

ORIGINAL POST: Giving button mashing a whole new meaning, the new YouTube app for PlayStation 3 rolls out today across 19 countries including most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand and more. You’ll find the new app in My Channels under TV & Video Services on the home screen.

You might have watched YouTube on PS3 before, but get ready for a completely new experience that’s designed for the big screen and PS3 controls. The new app brings you more content, like your subscribed channels, and more ways to find videos, with better search tools, more ways to watch YouTube by pairing your smartphone, and more language options.

Here’s what you’ll find:

  • Search: Finding the videos you want is easier than ever, with search suggestions and instant video results while you type.
  • Your subscribed channels: Sign in to find the latest videos from your YouTube subscriptions, whether it be official music videos or the PlayStation channel.
  • Your phone as a remote: With a quick pairing process, you can control YouTube on PS3 with a smartphone. Find a video on your phone and with a simple button press it’ll play on the big screen. While the video is playing you can control it from the phone, or keep browsing YouTube for the next one.
  • Language Support: Set your language on your PS3 and use the new YouTube app in your language. The following languages are supported: English, Swedish, Italian, German, Spanish, French, Dutch and Russian.

This release brings the new app to PlayStation 3 in the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Russia and the United Kingdom.

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