Happy holidays from Guerrilla!

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Happy holidays from Guerrilla!

Happy holidays from all of us here at Guerrilla!

As 2012 draws to a close, we look back at an eventful year for Guerrilla and the Killzone series. In February we released Killzone 3 Multiplayer, a standalone version of Killzone 3‘s online mode and DLC maps, on the PlayStation Store. In August we announced a new handheld title for PlayStation Vita called Killzone: Mercenary, which sees its protagonist fight on both sides of the ISA-Helghast conflict. And in October we simultaneously released Killzone Trilogy, a bundle containing all three first-person shooters in the Killzone series, and Killzone HD, a high-definition remaster of our original Killzone game.

In addition to these planned events, there were also a few surprises along the way. In early November we were wowed by a 15 minute fan-made live action film called Killzone Intercept, which even blew our own live action trailer for Killzone: Mercenary out of the water.
Director Brian Curtin had been in touch with Guerrilla about his ambitious plans for a short Killzone movie, but we were still unprepared for the level of awesomeness he’d bring to the project. The end result is a testament to the sheer creativity of our fans, and we feel very blessed to have such dedicated followers.
But the biggest highlight of the year was being able to welcome SCE Cambridge Studio into our fold. We’ve officially become a multi-studio company! Guerrilla Cambridge – as our new sister studio is known – is working hard to ensure that Killzone: Mercenary will be the ultimate handheld first-person shooter experience when it launches for PlayStation Vita in 2013.
The team is intimately familiar with handheld game development, having previously worked on titles such as LittleBigPlanet for the PlayStation Portable, and they’ve done a phenomenal job adapting the Killzone 3 engine to the PS Vita platform.
With Killzone: Mercenary on the way, 2013 is gearing up to be another big year for Guerrilla – quite possibly the biggest since we released the original Killzone way back in 2004. We’ll have more details for you at a future date, but until then we hope you share a wonderful holiday with your loved ones, and we’ll see you in 2013.

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