Spyro the Dragon returns to PSN next week!

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Spyro the Dragon returns to PSN next week!

Spyro Image

Make way! Make way!
Make way! Make way!
Our little purple friend Spyro is upon us! Your eyes do not deceive you and the words you are reading are definitely real! After a long wait and lots of requests from you, the community, Spyro the Dragon is coming to EU PSN on 12th December 2012!
Hugely successful when released way back on PSOne, I am delighted to finally be able to get Spyro the Dragon back out there for all of you to enjoy. You won’t see one Spyro game either! Oh no! The first, second and third game are all coming on the very same day. How’s that?
For everyone that asked and waited patiently, now is the time to bite! Now is the time to relish in the glorious days of distant past! Now is the time!
With your help, let this re-emergence of Spyro open the gates for more titles from the PSOne era that we shall never forget.
Speaking of help, the encouragement drawings from AlexPSN89 were much appreciated. In fact, I even did one myself to celebrate! Here they are for your viewing pleasure!

Spyro 1Spyro 2

Spyro Drawing

Note: This product is an emulated version of a PlayStation (PS one) classic. Some functionality may vary from the original PS one version of this product or may not be available. All three Spyro titles are emulated versions of NTSC code. English language only.

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