Tomba! Swings Onto PSN Today!

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Today we’re proud to announce the highly anticipated release of classic platformer/adventure Tomba! on the EU PlayStation Network. This marks the first time that our pink-haired hero will be available digitally in Europe, exclusively for download in the PSone Classics section.

Tomba! was originally developed at Whoopee Camp back in 1997 by Tokuro Fujiwara who masterminded some of the industry’s most popular franchises, including Ghosts & Goblins and Mega Man. A truly revolutionary game for its time, Tomba! offers a fresh mix of platforming and sub-quest based adventures that make it one of the most interesting PlayStation titles in the Store.


Playing as a wild jungle boy named Tomba, you have to retrieve your lucky golden bracelet from evil pigs who have overrun neighboring communities. With weapons such as boomerangs, a large mace and boulders at his disposal, Tomba faces a wide range of foes, forest creatures and prehistoric beasts.

A little bit different from the norm, Tomba!‘s gameplay is structured around earning Adventure Points by completing certain tasks, such as helping trapped villagers or finding a lost item in a cave. Collecting more and more points allows our hero to pass through numerous zones in the game. This is what truly makes Tomba! a unique and classic PlayStation platformer. Gamers are actually rewarded with unique areas that extend the longevity of the adventure.

One of the most fondly remembered features of the game is that all the sub-quests are different, eliminating repetition and keeping gameplay unpredictable from beginning to end. This also allows players to complete areas at their own pace – exploration certainly isn’t discouraged here!


Download Tomba! today and support our retro cause! Let us know what you think of this classic – we hope to bring more retro goodness if the demand is there. Continue to give us your game suggestions on our Twitter feed. Like Tomba!, we’ll continue to listen and go after those lost classics.

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