PlayStation E3 Round-Up – Day 2

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PlayStation E3 Round-Up – Day 2

It’s the second day of the show and both halls are PACKED with excited gamers dying to get their hands on a ton of fantastic games.

PlayStation at E3 2012 - Day 2

We started the second day at the Ubisoft booth, where fans were playing incredible titles such as Assassin’s Creed III and Far Cry 3 for the first time. The title that’s got everyone talking though, is Watch Dogs – check out the announcement trailer below.

Elsewhere, we found an exhibition celebrating video game art, with some amazing concepts from various contributors. Atmospheric imagery from The Last of Us, WipEout 2048 and Journey provided the backdrop in a soothing space away from the manic main halls.

PlayStation at E3 2012 - Day 2

PlayStation at E3 2012 - Day 2

Refreshed, we headed over to Activision’s gigantic booth to sneak a look at the mighty Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. First impressions? It was ear-splitting, as we witnessed drone attacks, a frantic freeway escape and even a high-speed jet pursuit. Staggering.

Each booth is situated just a few feet from its neighbour, so it was easy to find the Warner Bros. stand. It was slightly harder to hear everything though – many publishers provided headphones for presentations – yet with Injustice: Gods Among Us, a beat ’em up featuring the likes of Superman and Batman, the blistering action on show did all the talking. F1 2012 is shaping up nicely too.

Everywhere we’ve turned; there has been something to grab the eye. Some of the most interesting titles were hidden away behind closed doors. Luckily, we’ve been able to open most of them. Tune in tomorrow to discover what we find – and while you’re here, why not let us know if there’s anything you’d like us to go into more detail with.

PlayStation at E3 2012

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