PlayStation Vita was developed with the idea creating and delivering compelling content for gamers. With the recent announcement of t@g, the graffiti-based app that combines creative expression, location-based gaming, AR and urban art discovery we continued to build PS Vita’s portfolio of applications. We are now offering you the opportunity to travel the world, manage an ecosystem and express your musical side all via the powers of your PS Vita. We are really excited about the three latest applications for PS Vita - Travel Bug, Ecolibrium and Imaginstruments which will all be available free to download from PlayStation Store very soon.
In Travel Bug, you can and personalise your very own travel bug and give it travel-based missions to complete. Your bug can take “travel snaps” on its journey and you can track its whereabouts on an interactive map. This innovative application also invites you to compete against friends to reach destinations first – all tracked via the “near” application.
Take on a divine role in Ecolibrium, an imaginative eco-system simulator where the aim is to maintain harmony within your own created environment. If your environment becomes unbalanced, species in your eco-system must be fed manually by you until you have restored balance and created the optimum environment for your animals and plants. You can also collect different species and trade them with your PS Vita friends using “near”.
If you are feeling musical then give Imaginstruments a try. Imaginstruments is an ‘imaginary instrument’ application designed from the ground up around the myriad of PS Vita inputs. You can play drums, guitar, theremin, and even the violin. Once you have mastered each imaginstrument you can record tracks and share with other players.
These great new applications offer unique, social and immersive experiences exclusively on PS Vita all for free – so get involved!
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