Guacamelee! PS3! PS Vita! Pub Fund! Chickens!

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Guacamelee for PS3 and PS Vita

Hello good-looking, internet-savvy PlayStation.Blog readers. Now that you’ve been buttered up a bit, DrinkBox Studios is excited to announce that our new Mexican-themed co-op-multiplayer dimension-swapping Metroid-vania beat-em-up platformer, titled “Guacamelee!“, will be released through the PlayStation Pub Fund program!

If you have never heard of Guacamelee! the best thing to do is to open your mind, relax, and watch the below trailer:

I know what you are probably thinking… “What is this ‘Pub Fund’? And what does this mean for ME?”

Well it simply means that you can expect Guacamelee! to exclusively launch on the PlayStation® Network for both the PlayStation® 3 and the PlayStation® Vita. That’s a lot of ®’s! You can also expect the game to take advantage of the special features offered by each of the platforms (details of these to come later – stay tuned).

PS3: Guacamelee for PS3 and PS VitaPS3: Guacamelee for PS3 and PS Vita

PS3: Guacamelee for PS3 and PS Vita

Set in a world inspired by Mexican culture, Guacamelee! features a down-on-his-luck agave farmer named Juan Aguacate, who sets out to save the world when El Presidente’s Daughter is kidnapped by an Evil Charro Skeleton. The story takes place in and around a small village in Mexico, and has the player travelling through “The World of the Living” and “The World of the Dead” on his quest to rescue the girl he loves.

We’ll be showing the game next week at E3 running on both the PS3 and the PS Vita.

For up-to-date development news, make sure to follow us on Twitter @DrinkboxStudios, and check out our blog here. Also, feel free to shoot us any questions you have in the comments below, and we will try to answer them the best we can!

Finally, we leave you with a chicken.

Guacamelee for PS3 and PS Vita

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