The Apocalyptic Sale Is Nigh On PlayStation Store!

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The Apocalyptic Sale Is Nigh On PlayStation Store!

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Hello Everybody

The year is 2012 (gentle reminder!) It is told that this year brings forth the end of the world or so the interesting people tell me. So I thought it would be a good idea to bring you some awesome games with an apocalyptic theme to get you in training for our impending doom.

One of the best ways to get a crash course into surviving a nuclear fallout would be the legendary games Fallout3 and Fallout: New Vegas. There will be a 30% discount on all Fallout3 and Fallout: New Vegas individual add-on packs, and a 50% discount for fans buying all add-ons as a bundle (with extra discounts for PlayStation Plus members).

How about living in an underwater city? Or on a strange, distant planet which looks surprisingly like the Arizona desert? You can expect titles such as Bioshock 2 and Borderlands from just £9.69/€11.99 with extra discounts for the DLC.

Of course, no ‘end of the world’ scenario would be complete without a zombie biting at your ankles here and there, so for this we have Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica: X, as well as Amy, Burn Zombies Burn and All Zombies Must Die.

What better way to spend your last moments on Earth than playing games where the world hasn’t quite ended? So check out these great offers and more available on the PlayStation Store from Wednesday 16th May to Wednesday 30th May.

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