Awesomenauts is PS Plus Game of the Month for May

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Ronimo Games here with two golden news nuggets: Awesomenauts will be blasting on to PlayStation Store for PS3 on May 2nd and it will be PlayStation Plus game of the month! PlayStation Plus subscribers can grab it throughout May at no extra charge.

Imagine ’80s Saturday morning cartoons and platforming shooters made sweet love. Awesomenauts is what their love-baby would look like! Awesomenauts is an online, class-based, side-scrolling shooter: Left Stick for walking, Square for shooting, X for jumping. The game blends intense platforming combat with lethal skills and strategic team-play to produce a unique DOTA-like competitive experience. Matches are played out online or offline in 3 vs 3. Coordinate attacks with your buddies and gather solar to unlock and upgrade your weapons. Outsmart enemy players, and push your way through turrets and waves of droids to destroy the enemy base.

You’ll be able to play as several unique Awesomenauts. Wreak havoc as Clunk, a giant rocket launching, self destructing robot. Harass your enemies as Yuri, a jetpack-rocking, mine-throwing, bad mannered monkey. Or hip-hop your way to victory as Froggy G, throwing watery breakdance moves to dazzle your opponents. Each character fulfills a unique role within a team, and their abilities can be customized with all kinds of upgrades you unlock as you storm the online arena!

Awesomenauts for PS3 (PSN)

Life as an Awesomenaut is best enjoyed with friends, so we’ve included splitscreen! In fact, you can play with up to three people on the same console and dominate online and offline matches as a team.

We want as many people as possible playing Awesomenauts, and hope the game will have a large community. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Sony to make the game free for Playstation Plus subscribers throughout May! And we’re preparing to support the game with new characters and items in the near future to make sure the game stays fresh.

Awesomenauts for PS3 (PSN)

In Awesomenauts you can always get straight into the action; the game has full drop in support where humans can replace bots at any time during a match. Have friends come online while you’re already in a match? No problem, just send them an invite and they can drop into your game straight away. You’ll never have to wait in lobbies for a match to start!

We are really excited to test our mettle against you all online. Just nine more days until you can gear up and see if you’ve got what it takes to be an Awesomenaut. Hope to see you online next week! We’ll be playing for sure, so check out and to stay up to date on any playsessions we’ve got going on.

Use your power, show your might! Win the cosmic war, the Awesomenauts!

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