PlayStation Home: Every Journey Starts From Home

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PlayStation Home: Every Journey Starts From Home

PlayStation Home will be offline from 8AM GMT on Wednesday 14th March for routine maintenance. Here is what to expect after the update…


The enigmatic Journey arrives on the PlayStation Store this Wednesday and to mark this event we have put together a little something for you in PS Home. Immerse yourself in the mysterious beauty of the Journey space and see if you can unlock its secrets…

GAME are delighted to announce the arrival of Superhero Madhouse, the third release in their series of exclusive-to-PlayStation Home arcade cabinets.


With five challenging levels of 2D side-scrolling 8-bit beat-em-up madness, can you help the hero rescue the Diamond of a Thousand Princesses? Can you unlock all 15 medals as you progress through the asylum attempting to stop the dastardly Captain Wacko?

You can tackle Captain Wacko and his cronies in the GAME Moonbase using arcade tokens or buy the “Superhero Madhouse – Arcade Cabinet” for unlimited plays in your personal spaces and clubs. Purchasing the cabinet also gives you the full range of Superhero Madhouse clothing as an added bonus – KAPOW!


Get into the St. Patrick’s day spirit with Sprocket O’Cog! You’re sure to glimpse a pot o’ gold behind every rainbow with this adorable new companion from Juggernaut Games. Check out Sprocket and all the other MechPets in Series 1 at the Stuff store!

Keep up with the spring trends with some fresh new gear from the very popular Billabong. Why not try the new Fargo Flannel hooded top, with some Stripe Platinum X Walkshorts… Or if you want to go smarter, try the striped Spinner tops. Available in the Billabong store.

You may think you know the Minotaur’s story, but you do not. The one who called himself a hero was really a betrayer. Strong and intelligent, Enkomi unlocked the secrets of his labyrinth prison and made his escape. Rising above his mistreatment, he has harnessed the beast utilising its bullish strength as and when he chooses.

Become Enkomi the Minotaur and unleash the power of the bull! Demonstrate Enkomi’s awesome strength by pounding the ground.

A new age of Fool Throttle is dawning.

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