Get Under The Spell Of Sorcery From 23 May

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Hi everyone, I am pleased to announce that Sorcery will be available from May 23rd, 2012, across the PAL regions.

Here’s a quick summary of the story from Brian Upton, Creative Director on Sorcery.

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Finn is in trouble.

First he accidentally blew up his master’s alchemy lab. Then he let Erline, his master’s magical cat, talk him into trespassing in the realm of the dead. Now he’s unleashed an ancient universe-destroying evil that won’t stop until everything he cares about is utterly annihilated.

It’s not been a good day.

Sorcery for PS3: Bogies Fire WallSorcery for PS3: Troll

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Even though he’s only an apprentice, it’s up to Finn to defeat the Nightmare Queen before she can destroy the human world. To do this he must plunge deep into the realm of faerie — the Endless Stair, the Faerie Forest, the Slumbering Palace. With Erline travelling at his side he must master powerful and arcane magical spells, and use them to overcome the strange and twisted servants of Nightmare. He must solve challenging puzzles, and decipher the mysteries of alchemy. He must discover the secrets of the Nightmare Queen’s power, and undo the damage that she has wrought.

And, above all, he must earn the right to be called … Sorcerer.

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So get ready for an an action packed, magical adventure where the PlayStation Move is your magic wand and only you, a sorcerer’s young apprentice, can harness the true power of magic to save this mystical realm.

Be sure to check out to find out more about Sorcery.

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