We have some great news for those patient and accommodating fans of Arc the Lad. The English-version emulation of the game has been completed and is set for re-release on January 18th in the PS one Classics, Imports section, on the EU PlayStation Network. We would like to apologise for the inconvenience and sincerely thank all of you for your immense patience during this process.
Many of our games are true Japanese imports. When we first released Arc on the EU PlayStation, the game was in Japanese. But a game of Arc’s complexity needs to be in English. Working Design’s wonderfully localized version is still one of the most appreciated tactical RPGs of all time. So we can now present the full depth of story in English that was needed to enjoy this game.
Players follow the young adventurer Arc, who sets out to save a world teetering on the edge of oblivion. But he’s not alone; seven different party members will join the quest over the course of the game, each one bursting with dozens of hand-drawn frames of animation that immerse players in the surreal fantasy landscape.
Arc the Lad introduced gameplay features like jumping and body blocking that extended the tactical strategy element. Further enhancing the game’s presentation, the epic soundtrack is widely remembered for its excellence. Players can also choose to plumb the depths of an optional 50-level dungeon that, if conquered, will influence future events in Arc the Lad II, unlocking a key character and a separate side quest.
If you haven’t already, make sure to follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/monkeypawgames.
Thanks again for your support and expect even more classics returning on MonkeyPaw Games soon!
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