Media Molecule’s Fridge Cam – Molecules Exposed!

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Media Molecule’s Fridge Cam – Molecules Exposed!


Earlier in the year we installed a PS Eye Camera into our fridge at Media Molecule… Not, as some of you may think, as a solution to prevent lunch thieves, no, we just thought that our lives would be incomplete without a camera that took photos each time the fridge was opened and then uploaded them onto the intranet for all to see. It didn’t serve any useful purpose other than to provide us with amusement.
The first thing we noticed about having a Fridge Cam, was that people pull stupid faces when they go to get a snack and don’t know quite what they want. We believe that these faces would be pulled regardless of the presence of the camera.

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These faces began to evolve however, into new and weird expressions brought about perhaps by the favoured snack not being in stock, a particularly mouldy tub of cream cheese, or maybe this too was just normal.

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As people began to witness the horrors of the gormless and hungry, there was a movement to block the camera, at first by placing the butter or milk in front of the camera… but then other objects too.

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But behind the blocked lens, chaos began to unfold. It turns out that the fridge is a source of great hilarity. All fridges should have a camera in them.

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Finally, the camera failed, the red LED that showed life faded to darkness, and the faces of the molecules were no longer being snapped.


But dear PlayStation Blog reader, I have good news; This error has been resolved by the wonderful people in Mm IT, and whether the molecules know yet it or not, Fridge Cam is active once more! Our the story will continue in the new year, who knows what weirdness will come next.
Until next time, Peace out folks!


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