On Saturday PlayStation Vita launched in Japan. While it’s customary for shops to open at midnight here in Europe and Australasia, in Japan the stores open just an hour or so early and shoppers queue through the early hours of the morning. I was there and here is the entire morning as seen through the lens of my camera.
We arrived at the Tsutaya store in Shibuya at 5am…
…and there was already a queue of gamers snaking around the corner, eager to lay a hand on PlayStation Vita.
(Left) A team of shopkeepers prepares for the imminent stampede and (right) journalists from all over the world jostle for position and the pre-opening countdown is about to begin.
Andy House,President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, steps into the spotlight to give a presentation before starting the countdown.
(Left) He is joined by Kaz Hirai, Executive Deputy President of Sony Corporation, and the two look at the PS Vita journey so far as the clock counts down, and (right) clutches the first console to go on sale worldwide.
The first gamer in the queue is called on stage to collect his PS Vita from Mr. House…
..And is compelled to text or tweet about it immediately.
The doors open and the tills start ringing.
Customers grasp their pre-order documents and are asked to write down which games and accessories they would like to speed up the process.
And all that’s left is to go home and start playing.
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