Rayman Origins Demo Out Today!

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If you like great platformers (and we know you do – remember Rayman on the PSone?!), we at Ubisoft Montpellier prepared a little surprise for you – a demo for THE platformer of the year, of the decade, of the century, of the universe and beyond (yeah we’re a little excited): Rayman Origins. And even greater: it’s available today PSN!

In this demo, you will be able to play 3 of the 60+ levels created for the game, each in a different one of the 6 totally different environments of Rayman Origins. There are so many great things in the game that it was quite hard to choose which levels to put in the demo, but this should give you a glimpse of what you can expect from the game. You’ll find incredibly fun old-school 2D side-scrolling platforming adventures, gorgeous hand-drawn art in full HD (1080p, exclusively for the PlayStation3!) running at 60 fps, and, last but not least, you can play in crazy 4 players co-op.

Of course Rayman Origins can still be played alone, but the game and this demo are also fully playable in jump-in jump-out anytime 4 players co-op. Anyone can join whenever they want, give a few slaps, and leave without even having to pause the game! Well, that’s assuming they’d want to leave, which is pretty unlikely… but I guess sometimes nature calls.

Also, because we know you guys are skilled gamers, don’t be fooled by the bright and happy appearance: the game is not easy, in fact it’s pretty damn challenging if you want to complete it (and I assume some of you like platinum, don’t you? :). Of course beginners are welcome in co-op, but you’ll definitely need talent to see the end of the 20+ hours of gameplay the game has to offer!

The countdown is on! We’re really excited to deliver this game 2 weeks from now on November 24th – save the date! But we’re not the only ones who are excited – the first reviews of the game call it (and I’m quoting) “a Platforming Masterpiece” and “Living, Breathing, Perfection”. Wait, it gets better! The Official PlayStation Magazine gave a 9/10 score + gold award to the game!

But enough reading, it’s time to play the game and decide for yourself! Download it when PlayStation Store updates later today and we really hope you’ll have as much fun with the game as we had making it!!

Oh, and one last thing you might not know: the game is also coming to the PS Vita for the European release, and I can tell you it looks amazing, so stay tuned!

More info on the game on our official Facebook page – thanks for reading and enjoy the demo!

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