If you’ve been following this video series we’ve been running around the launch of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception then you may have picked up on a thread that has been running through them, touching on how Naughty Dog have made the game such a ‘believable’ experience.
First we looked at their performance capture techniques and how human acting and technology combine to tell a story. Then, we heard about Drake and Elena from the actors who play them, and discussed how the relationships between the characters add emotional weight to the story. This week, we’re looking at how the Uncharted games use historical events as jumping off points into the story, whether its Sir Francis Drake’s circumnavigation of the globe or T.E. Lawrence’s research into the Crusades as a teenager.
Now that many of you have now played Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (dare I say, some of you may even have the Platinum), how are you finding it?
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