It’s nice to be able to sit and talk to you all after months of work. As you may have heard, tomorrow we are releasing a trilogy compilation of our very first Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell games on the PlayStation Store. It includes Splinter Cell, Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, and you will also be able to buy it on Blu-ray Disc at a later date.
As well as being able to buy all three games as a bundle, you can also purchase them separately as single games. The bundle costs €29.99/£23.99 and each individual title is €9.99/£7.99.
Each and every one of them has been highly acclaimed, each exceeding a 90% metacritic rating and bringing the stealth action genre to new heights. I am sure many of you are thrilled at the idea of embodying the cold and calculating Sam Fisher again. You’ll be able to relive this epic series in high definition with enhanced graphics fully remastered in 1080p HD. To top it off, owners of 3DTVs will be able to experience Sam Fisher’s adventures in stereoscopic 3D. And finally, we added trophies for a more rewarding experience. I shall congratulate in advance those of you who get the platinum. Believe me, it won’t be an easy task!
And just because we love PlayStation Plus users, they will enjoy a special treat:
- 20% Discount on Splinter Cell
- 10 % Discount on Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
- Splinter Cell Theory comes with an exclusive theme featuring Sam Fisher
See you with goggles on.
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