NTSC-J And NTSC-U PSone Classics Confirmed For SCEE

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Hello everyone,

I am very pleased to confirm that US and Japanese PSone emulations are being prepared for release on the SCEE PlayStation Stores.

While I cannot yet confirm dates or any of the titles in process at this time, there are a few that are already in process and you will start to see them publishing in the future.

What does this mean for you, the consumers?

Here are the key points:

  • Publishers who own the rights to release PSone titles that were previously only available in the US and/or Japan will now be able to apply to have them released on the SCEE PlayStation Stores (providing they are rated by the appropriate ratings boards for each territory).
  • All titles will be published ‘as is’, with either English or Japanese language game content where available.
  • All titles will run at 60 Hz and you will need a 60 Hz capable display to play them properly.

This also means that if a PAL version of a title has been unable to pass QA in SCEE, but the NTSC version is already available on the PlayStation Store in SCEA or SCEJ, we can look at publishing that version instead. We cannot simply take the US version and publish it immediately, as it has to be reprocessed for SCEE, but at least we know the title should already be relatively bug-free.

Please note: This does not mean we can publish titles that have not legally cleared for release in SCEE territories as a result of expired licenses, etc.

With this news in mind, we’d love to hear from you what titles you’d like to see available in Europe for the first time – make yourself heard in the comments and with the most requested titles we will speak to publishers on your behalf.

Have a great evening everyone.

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