Last week we posted preview videos of the first two maps from “From The Ashes”, the third DLC pack for Killzone 3. Today we’re offering preview videos of the other two maps included with the pack: Tharsis Depot and Radec Academy. If these names sound familiar, it’s because they’re re-imagined and revamped versions of the beloved Killzone 2 maps.
The first preview video features Tharsis Depot, a Guerrilla Warfare map for 16 Players based on the Killzone 2 classic. After incurring damage during the ISA invasion of Helghan, the depot has been converted to process nuclear Petrusite. The Helghast made extensive use of jetpacks to facilitate the reconstruction process, but the harsh conditions resulting from the damage still made it a grueling endeavor. The ISA have locked their sights on Tharsis Depot now that it’s back in full-scale production, and this time they intend to finish the job they started.
To give you a sense of what’s changed, this video shows comparisons of the original and the new version:
The second video shows the new version of Radec Academy, a Warzone map for 24 players. Devastated by the ongoing struggle between ISA and Helghast forces, the once-proud Radec Academy is now a ruinous shell of its former self. Although the soul of the Academy remains intact, the compound has suffered greatly, with strewn rubble and emplaced StA-3 miniguns serving as grim reminders of the fierce battles fought in the area. As the ISA forces once again push into the Academy compound, attempting to scavenge a downed MAWLR, the Helghast troops hastily fortify their defenses within its perimeter.
And this video shows comparisons of the original and the new Radec Academy:
DLC Pack 3 “From The Ashes” contains four maps and will be available from the PlayStation Store on 22nd of June for €4.99\£3.99. Newcomers to Killzone 3 will be interested to learn that we’re also releasing a DLC Bundle Pack including the Retro Pack, the Steel Rain Pack and the From The Ashes Pack for just €9.99\£7.99. Stay tuned to Killzone.com and the official PlayStation.Blog, because we’ll have a montage trailer of the From the Ashes Pack for you tomorrow.
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