Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. Pre-order Bonuses, Special Edition And A Sneak Peak At The Explorer Edition!

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With E3 coming up next week and promising to be packed with Uncharted 3 news, I thought it was a good opportunity to unveil the pre-order bonuses that will be available across PAL shortly and also give you some details about the European Special Edition. Last but not least, for those of you who are true Uncharted fans, read on for some details on the European Collector’s Edition: the Explorer Edition.

So first up, we have some multiplayer weapon mods, medal kickbacks and booster pre-order bonuses for which availability will vary between retailers across Europe. So, take a deep breath, here’s the lowdown:

‘Callout Mod for AK-47’

Equip your AK-47 with a laser sight that enables your entire team to see the location of the opponent you are currently targeting. How cool is that? Great for team building :)


‘Clip Size Mod for Para-9’
Increase the size of the bullet clip for your Para-9 pistol and spend more time shooting your opponents before having to reload. Something I will personally enjoy as I spend far too much time reloading and getting shot in the process!


‘Clip Size Mod for G-MAL’
Increase the size of the bullet clip for your G-MAL long gun and spend more time shooting your opponents before having to reload. The G-MAL is one of my favourite weapons so more bullets will make it even more enjoyable to use.


‘Creepy Crawler Kickback’
Turn into a swarm of deadly creatures for a limited time and overwhelm your enemies. Definitely one of my favourite kickbacks. Unusual but very satisfying.

Creepy Crawler

‘Carpet Bomb Kickback’
Send out three grenades with a single throw to blanket your opponent – or take out a group of opponents – with multiple explosions. Here’s a video for you. Enjoy the triple grenade damage!

‘Regeneration Booster’
Boost your healing power to recover from your wounds more quickly. Extra energy is always welcome to survive multiplayer gunfights!


Next up are some details about the European Special Edition. Below is an early design for you to look at: it’s still work in progress but trust me, the final version will be epic and will look like Nathan Drake’s diary with fully illustrated pages, including concept art, screenshots, sketches etc. Of course, it will have a premium finishing and will definitely standout in your collection of games.

In addition to this, the Special Edition will include a PSN voucher allowing you to download the following items and enabling you to stand out when playing online:

  • Multiplayer skin and weapon: ‘London Drake and Pirate AK-47’:Customise the appearance of both your avatar and your weapon.
  • Multiplayer ‘Upper Cut Taunt’: Allows you to give an upper-cut gesture for increased self-expression and bragging rights when playing online.
  • ‘Cash Multiplier’: Earn in-game cash much faster when playing online.
  • ‘Special Edition Decals Pack’: Decals to customise your avatar’s accessories.

Look out for an update on the final packaging design alongside the inside pages of the diary in the coming weeks, you won’t be disappointed! :)


Last but not least… a sneak peak at the European Collector’s Edition which we’ve named the ‘Explorer Edition’. We’re putting a lot of efforts and care on this particular edition as well and will uncover more details in the future but I’m pleased to say that it will include the Nathan Drake figurine, ring and belt buckle from the US Collector’s Edition. We are also designing an antic style replica traveller box with a real authentic feel to it: a definite collector item you won’t be disappointed with if you’re a true Nathan Drake fan. Content wise, the Explorer Edition will include the Special Edition (and its DLC of course!) as well as all the pre-order bonuses listed above. We’re also looking to add a few more items like a Nathan Drake passport holder and a 3D lenticular image like the InFamous 2 Special Edition. More news and visuals to follow in the coming weeks but for now, check out the visuals for the Nathan Drake figurine, belt buckle and ring below.

Figurine, Belt and Ring image

Finally, just a quick reminder about the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer BETA coming up. If you purchase the awesome InFamous 2 next week, a PSN voucher allowing you to access the BETA as early as 28/06/11 has been included in the box (unfortunately this promotion doesn’t apply to Australia, New Zealand and Germany). Equally, if you are a PlayStation Plus member, you will also be granted early access to the BETA from 28/06/11. But don’t worry, the BETA will be on PlaStation Store for everyone to download from 04/07/11 to 13/07/11 (except Germany). Just make sure you get involved, it’s setting up be a blockbuster online multiplayer experience. If you haven’t yet seen it, check out the trailer we released in April.

Anyway, that’s it from me. Let me know your thoughts and look out for more Uncharted 3 news during E3 next week!

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