Greetings from the fabulous Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, CA, where we are in the middle of Insomniac’s 3rd Annual Community Day. Over the course of today, we have been letting fans get hands-on with Resistance 3 and Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One. We’ve also been showing all sorts of cool demos and Q&As that we will be producing to bring you in the form of Full Moon Show podcasts in the coming weeks.
That said, today we are finally able reveal, due to overwhelming community demand, that Resistance 3 will support Stereoscopic 3D. Furthermore, for those of you who are enjoying the precision of the PlayStation Move motion controller with your copies of Killzone 3 and the SOCOM: Special Forces Beta, you will be delighted to know that Resistance 3 will also support Move and the sharp shooter. After KZ3 launched, we heard a massive amount of positive feedback, and were inundated with requests to support both Move and sharp shooter, so we’re glad to be able to finally confirm the news.
As you can see, our founder Ted Price and Resistance 3 Creative Director Marcus Smith are so pumped that they found 3D glasses and grabbed sharp shooters to pose for a photo (though we had to remind them that they need the cool high-tech stereoscopic 3D glasses to actually play, not those old “red-blue” ones).
Resistance 3 hits your 3DTV in September, so have your sharp shooter ready! In the meantime, if you want to hear about all the latest happenings at our community day, follow us on Twitter, (search for #InsomniacGames for some live contests!) like us on Facebook or check out eu.playstation.com for the latest news on R3. We’ll be posting audio and video from the event in the weeks to come, so keep checking in for all the latest.
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