James Thorpe has swanned off somewhere or other this week so it’s down to me to tell you about the mid-month PlayStation Plus treats that he has arranged for March. Luckily, many of you seem to get the two of us confused so it should be a smooth transition.
Speaking of smooth transitions: from the Prince of PlayStation Plus to the Prince of Persia, from today you can get your hands on an exclusive bundle including The Sands of Time, Warrior Within and The Two Thrones for €29.99/£23.99 – that’s three for the price of two.
The second treat is something I know a lot of you have been waiting for. From today, you will be able to get MAG at 50% discount and the Escalation and Interdiction expansion packs at a 25% discount. MAGnificent.
Finally, a reminder to download the SOCOM: Special Forces beta on 23 March. I’ll be playing it but a small warning if I’m in your squad: I don’t do orders.
The other James will be back on 6 April to introduce next month’s content but feel free to ask me any questions.
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