Hello, remember me? It gives me great pleasure to return to the blog with some news from SEGA HQ.
As you are no doubt aware Yakuza 4, the next instalment in our beloved Yakuza franchise, is just around the corner (March 18th here in the UK) and to help you celebrate we’ve launched a competition to get your creative juices flowing.
The full details can be found on the SEGA blog but the main gist is that we want you to arm yourself with your medium of choice and submit something which shows just how much of a Yakuza fanboy, or fangirl, you are – or in other words, how far would you go to express that. How much ‘like a dragon’ are you?
You could express that in the form of a picture (crayon drawings would personally be most welcome!), a photo of you playing Yakuza somewhere unusual, a video, a piece of creative writing… you could even make a macaroni picture, the only limit is your imagination! Well, okay, you have to make sure it’s not contravening any rules, or laws (please don’t join the actual Yakuza and send proof of your membership)!
The full rules and competition guidelines are on the SEGA blog, but all you really need to know is; the competition is open now, and you have until 12.00pm on Thursday the 17th March to send your entry to LikeADragon@sega.co.uk.
Of course you’re now asking, what are the prizes? Well, let me tell you: we will select our favourite three entries, and each creator will receive the ultimate in Yakuza 4 versions – the limited edition Kuro Edition steelbook along with the Ichiban box (normally only available in Australia) which contains a variety of other goodies such as a Yakuza 4 bowl and chopsticks set. One of these lucky people will also be crowned the grand prize winner and take home a few extras on top of that (no, not tat from the back of our cupboards) with the main item being a very limited Yakuza licensed Japanese zip-up sweatshirt. A prize that every Yakuza fan would be proud to call their own, I would say.
Before I go, I want to remind you that you can get hold of the demo from PlayStation Store to not only prepare for the game’s full release, but to inspire you for your competition entry. We’re also pleased to say that you can now grab yourself PSN ID avatars of the four main characters from the game (Kazuma, Akiyama, Saejima and Tanimura) as well as one of the infamous hostesses, in the form of the lovely Rio.
I’ll be back on launch day to post the winning entries for you to gaze longingly at and, of course remind you all to go out and buy the game. If you’ve got any questions then we all know the drill by now; leave a comment and I’ll reply where I can.
See you in Kamurocho!
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