If you’re the kind of player who likes to hunt down every trophy and every secret in a game, now may be a good time to request that paid vacation. When Killzone 3 hits the streets, there will be more than 50 new trophies for you to obtain – including 20 hidden ones! Luckily the official game guide to Killzone 3 will be released simultaneously, thanks to the dedicated folks at Future Press.
These are the non-hidden trophies included in the game:
Trophy Name | Description |
Bronze Trophies | |
Ready for Battle | Complete weapons training in Prologue |
In Your Face | First Brutal Melee |
No Witnesses | Destroy all dropships in Broken Highway |
Mopping Up | Kill 40 or more Helghast foot soldiers in Senlin Beach |
Sawn Off | Destroy all chasing APCs in Senlin Beach |
Smoking Wrecks | Destroy all tanks in Senlin Beach |
Turn the Tables | Kill a Capture Trooper using melee |
Spiky Personality | Kill a Helghast by shooting a Burster Plant in Jungle Valley |
Minigunned | Destroy all targets while on the Intruder in Frozen Shores |
Quick Exit | Escape the oil rig quickly in Frozen Shores |
Shattered | Destroy all glass in the labs in Stahl Arms South |
Pinpoint | Kill the Heavy with an StA-14 in Blind Yards |
Evening the Odds | Kill 500 Helghast |
Cagefighter | Kill 10 Helghast using Brutal Melee |
Frag Out | Kill 3 Helghast with 1 Frag Grenade |
One Each | Kill 3 Helghast with the Shotgun Pistol – no reloads |
Eagle Eye | Every Sniper Rifle bullet is a kill – no reloads |
Power Spike | Nail a Helghast to an exploding object |
Up Close & Personal | Brutal Melee another player |
Team Player | Play a match as a part of a squad |
Medic! | Revive another player |
Handy Man | Repair an object |
Now You See Me | Kill using Cloak |
Spy Game | Kill using Disguise |
Turf War | Capture a Tactical Spawn Point |
Silver Trophies | |
Now it’s Personal | Kill 1,000 Helghast |
Fight to the Last | Kill 1,500 Helghast |
Close Quarters Killer | Kill 25 Helghast with Brutal Melee |
Hand to Hand Master | Kill 50 Helghast with Brutal Melee |
Gold Trophies | |
Victory | Complete Campaign on Elite |
Grand Slam | Win a match in 3 multiplayer modes |
Those of you who purchased the official game guide for Killzone 2 already know how thorough Future Press is in covering every aspect of the game, from highly detailed overview maps of the single player campaign to minute details on obtaining each of the trophies and secrets. Killzone 3: The Official Guide is no less meticulous, with an extensive breakdowns of the single- and the multiplayer modes as well as useful tips and strategies for players of every skill level.
In addition, Killzone 3: The Official Guide contains lavish concept artworks depicting the development of the characters and environments of Killzone 3, accompanied by interviews with key Guerrilla designers describing the process involved. As a special bonus, purchasing the official guide gives you access to 3 Unlock Points that you can use to get a head start in unlocking abilities and weapons for your preferred career. The guide even recommends the right time to spend them!
Killzone 3 and Killzone 3: The Official Guide will be released on February 25. The official game guide is also available in a hardcover Collector’s Edition. For more information, please visit the Future Press web site.
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