The Dead Space 2 team and I are super stoked that Dead Space 2 is almost out; we have been anxiously awaiting to hear what gamers think of what we have been working on. The PS3 Limited Edition version of Dead Space 2 is crazy — it not only includes Dead Space 2, but it also has Dead Space Extraction. That means you can get your MOVE ON with Dead Space Extraction, and you can play it solo or in co-op as well.
Making Dead Space 2 has been a blast, getting to see everyone’s speculation on what the game was going to be about, if we lost our minds and cut out the horror, or if we were making some sort of ninja-puzzle-adventure game. Now is the time to see what the final version Dead Space 2 is all about.
From my perspective, the team did a fantastic job. This is the game I’m most proud of being a part of. The game feels better, looks better, has bigger moments, and even includes multiplayer for the first time. I really hope you like it!
Head out now to your local game store and get a copy of the Collector’s Edition — if you can still find it — or the Limited Edition and start dismembering Necromorphs today. If you want to keep up on the game and maybe get your multiplayer, follow me on Twitter: @leveluptime.
Thanks again.
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