NEOGEO’s 20th Anniversary Commemorative Project ‘NEOGEO Station’ Announced For PlayStation Network

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SNK PLAYMORE and SCEE proudly announce the European Release of high-quality NEOGEO ports for download via the “Latest” and/or “ALL GAMES A-Z” category of the PlayStation Store, beginning this December.
After its release in 1990, the revolutionary “NEOGEO” videogame system has fascinated millions of fans worldwide with its unforgettable fighting, action, shooting, sports, and other arcade genre titles. In commemorating the 20th anniversary of the legendary NEOGEO MVS & AES hardware, SNK PLAYMORE is pleased to announce the worldwide PlayStation Store release of “NEOGEO Station” titles, exclusively on PlayStation 3 and PSP*.
VERSUS and/or CO-OP Play with players all over the world via PlayStation Network becomes possible with online NETWORK MODE for PS3 (PSP Versions will be compatible with Ad-Hoc Mode**), along with a variety of features both hardcore fans and a new generation of NEOGEO gamers will be sure to appreciate.

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Along with content from flagship NEOGEO game series such as “FATAL FURY,” “METAL SLUG,” “SAMURAI SHODOWN,” and “THE KING OF FIGHTERS,” SNK PLAYMORE will also offer various other game titles that made the NEOGEO world-famous in the 90s.
We are also pleased to disclose details of our collaboration with PlayStation Plus in Europe, starting on 22 December when SAMURAI SHODOWN (PS3) will be free to Plus members, and followed by NEOGEO launch title and hardcore gaming classic MAGICIAN LORD (PS3), free to Plus members in February.

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In addition to these free NEOGEO fan favourites, for two weeks Plus members in Europe will get a 20% off all NEOGEO Station titles.
Finally, today marks the release of our new hardcore shooting PSP title NEOGEO HEROES -Ultimate Shooting- only on PlayStation Store. Please be sure to check out this new hardcore shooting title, and we hope you look forward to the launch of “NEOGEO Station” content on PSN!


For more information please visit SNK PLAYMORE’s official NEOGEO Station website and be sure to become of member of SNK’s NEOGEO Station Facebook Fan Page Community to keep up to date.

Samurai ShodownMetal Slug

*PS3 and PSP versions sold separately
** PSP Ad-Hoc Mode only compatible with PSP-2000 (or above) systems

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