PlayStation Home: Modular Stage Set, Lake House, Zombie Companions, & More!

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There’s quite a variety of new content releasing this week! With today being Gran Turismo 5 launch day, we’ll get started with some GT5 news. In the cinema we’ve got a new GT5 trailer for you to drool over if you’ve not picked up your copy of the game yet. Better yet, you’ll earn a GT5 race suit costume as a reward for watching! Make sure to grab yours, as we’ve secured some great GT5 prizes to give away and you’ll need one of the GT5 race suit costumes for a chance to win! If you haven’t already, make sure to check out the GT5 Facebook app.

PlayStation Home: Racing

Ever find yourself wanting a pet to add some life to your personal space? A loyal creature to take for walks through Home Square? In that case, say hello to the newest in Home essentials: Companions. Drop into the nDreams store this week, where they have the first two companions: Nipper and Benji. The best part? They’re zombies, so there’s no need to feed them!
Race over to Estates this week, where you’ll find the Lake House personal space. This spacious, extravagant, and modern waterfront estate comes complete with awe-inspiring views and is the perfect addition to your virtual real estate portfolio. With an open floor plan, this is the perfect place for hosting your next party!

PlayStation Home: luxury

If you are into making machinima, LOOT has the perfect personal space for all your video editing needs this week. The Modular Stage Set offers you unprecedented levels of control over all aspects of the machinima creation process, including backdrops, lights, camera systems and more! Included with the space are the portable Active Camera and Active Light items, allowing you to film in any personal space you own. To help you with creating the best possible machinima, LOOT are also releasing themed stage prop bundles. The first two of these will be available this week – Spacecraft and Talk Show – and there are plenty more to come!

PlayStation Home: Stage3

PlayStation Home: ActiveLight PlayStation Home: Air Bundle

PlayStation Home: Spacecraft Bundle

PlayStation Home: LOOT

Some great additions to the Shopping Centre this week, ranging from clothing through new pool table designs. Look for the latest fashion in ladies skirt and halter neck tops in the Lockwood store, then swing by Billabong where there’s new stock of beach wear. Make sure you don’t miss the latest in the V-Store: Judge Dredd costume and posters!

PlayStation Home: dredd

PlayStation Home: billabong

Finally, Lockwood have let us know that a few select items will be coming off the shelves at Lockwood, specifically:

  • Guardian Circlet of the Sunless Kingdom
  • Sorceress Tiara of the Sunless Kingdom
  • Cauldron of the Sunless Kingdom

If you have these already, don’t worry, this isn’t a recall, so if you’ve bought any of the above items they will be safe. However, if you’ve been thinking about picking up one of these lovely items, then get your skates on, as after this week’s maintenance Lockwood are taking them off the shelves.

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