Hi everyone,
A couple of weeks ago we held a competition inviting members of the community to attend the Karate Kid premiere and report back on the PlayStation Blog about their experience. Over the next couple of weeks you’ll hear about the winners’ experiences at their local premieres. First up, it’s Lee who went to the London premiere. Lee came in second place but stepped in the last minute to attend the premiere after the winner was unfortunately unable to attend.
My name’s Lee and a couple of weeks ago I took part in The Karate Kid competition. I submitted a review of the original Karate Kid and came as a runner-up, winning myself the original two films on Blu-Ray. As pleased as I was, the original winner unfortunately couldn’t attend the premiere and the opportunity was offered to me, which I readily accepted. So on the day of the premiere, me and a friend travelled to our paid-for London hotel and eagerly awaited the evening. The time came, and we were off.
I’ll admit I had my doubts about The Karate Kid, seeing as I still hold the original in such high regard. But as I walked through the screaming crowds in Leicester Square, along the red carpet and past the people practising Karate, it was hard not to get excited.
Taking my seat in a buzzing cinema, and finding free popcorn, the atmosphere was exhilarating enough. We were then treated to an exciting live ‘battle’ between karate and breakdance outside the cinema. As the show came to a close the Smith family and wish-he-was-my-dad Jackie Chan made their way down the aisles and took to the stage, sending the crowd into an uproar. It was brilliant to see them come on stage and give a quick introduction to the film, and made me quite excited about seeing it.The film itself, in short, is great. A faithful remake yet with its own 21st Century personality to bring the Karate Kid story to the Ralph Macchio-less generation. Household name and martial arts legend Jackie Chan was a brilliant choice as mentor Mr Han and Jaden Smith proves his acting worth by carrying the film alongside him. It pulls at your heartstrings and slaps you in the face with its skilfully choreographed fight scenes and, by the end, you will definitely be cheering.
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